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Brightpearl was created by retailers to serve other retailers with a management solution that ties together disparate functions: orders, inventory, financial data, POS and CRM. The company’s founders knew from experience that trying to manage those different functions without the right software put excessive pressure on teams and prevented e-commerce companies from reaching their full potential. Founded in 2007, Brightpearl now serves more than 1,400 customers in 53 countries.

Connect your Brightpearl account to ShipEngine so that you instantly gain access to discounted shipping rates from a range of different carriers. Integrating Brightpearl with ShipEngine also means you can quickly import orders, calculate shipping rates, create and print labels, and track packages for orders processed through Brightpearl. A RESTful API, ShipEngine delivers industry-leading uptime and comprehensive documentation that is helpful before, during and after integration.

We Support

Rate shopping

Quickly compare rates across all carriers you’re connected to

Discounted labels

Generate labels at deeply discounted rates

Order import

Automatically import all of your Brightpearl orders and quickly process them for shipment

Address validation

Ensure you have the correct address for every package that travels across the globe

Package tracking

Get real-time updates on the status of each shipment

Package insurance

Easily add package insurance through Shipsurance or your chosen shipping carrier

Customs documents

Generate the right customs documentation to ensure your international packages arrive without delay

Always on support

Connect with an API expert anytime you need to via Slack, email, or over the phone