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DHL Parcel UK Guide

DHL Parcel UK offers domestic and international shipping to over 160 countries worldwide for shipments originating in the United Kingdom. Their home collection service is available Monday-Friday to ship standard parcels (0-15kg) and even extra-large parcels (25kg). They also provide a one-hour-collection-window so you don’t need to wait all day to meet the driver. For smaller parcels, you may prefer to use their drop-off services and save money in the process.

Don't have an account yet with this carrier? Visit DHL Parcel UK to get started!

This guide provides developers an overview of shipping services that DHL Parcel UK offers and the service codes that you will use to create DHL Parcel UK shipments.

Connect Your Account

ShipEngine API allows you to connect your DHL Parcel UK accounts programmatically without logging in to the ShipEngine API dashboard. This is useful if you have wrapped a custom UI around the ShipEngine API toolset and want to add or disconnect existing carrier accounts without exposing your end users to the API dashboard.

These APIs can be used in parallel with the ShipEngine Partner APIs to programmatically create new ShipEngine users, and then connect existing DHL Parcel UK accounts all via the API without logging into a dashboard. Together these APIs empower you to completely white-label the ShipEngine experience for your end users.

Continue below for instructions on how to programatically connect DHL Parcel UK using the ShipEngine API.

For instructions on connecting DHL Parcel UK via the ShipEngine dashboard, go to our DHL Parcel UK help article.

DHL Parcel UK Account Information Model

client_idClient IDstringrequired
client_secretClient Secretstringrequired

Optional Pickup Account Connection Fields

There are several optional properties in the DHL Parcel UK connection call, based on the type of Pickup Account you have: Domestic and Channel Islands Shipping, International Air Shipping, or International Road Shipping.

If you would like to add your Pickup Account with your DHL Parcel UK connection, include the following additional information relevant to your Pickup Account type:

unlinked_returns_api_keyUnlinked Returns API Keystring
unlinked_returns_account_numberUnlinked Returns Account Numberstring
unlinked_returns_partner_codeUnlinked Returns Partner Codestring
pickup_account_domesticPickup Accountstring
pickup_account_international_airPickup Accountstring
pickup_account_international_roadPickup Accountstring
type_of_customs_invoiceCustoms Invoice Typestring
customer_noCustomer Account Numberstring
book_adhoc_collection_domesticEnable 'Book an adhoc Collection'boolean
collection_start_time_domesticCollection Start Timestring
collection_end_time_domesticCollection End Timestring
book_adhoc_collection_intl_airEnable 'Book an adhoc Collection'boolean
collection_start_time_intl_airCollection Start Timestring
collection_end_time_intl_airCollection End Timestring
book_adhoc_collection_intl_roadEnable 'Book an adhoc Collection'boolean
collection_start_time_intl_roadCollection Start Timestring
collection_end_time_intl_roadCollection End Timestring

Example Request

This example connection call contains the options for all Pickup Account types. For the best outcome, only use the information relevant to your Pickup Account type when making your connection call.

POST /v1/connections/carriers/DHL Parcel UK

POST /v1/connections/carriers/dhl_parcel_uk HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"nickname": "My DHL Parcel UK Account"
"client_id": "your_client_id_here",
"client_secret": "your_client_secret_here",

Example Response

Your account will now appear in your carriers list with an assigned carrier_id that you will specify when creating DHL Parcel UK shipments.

"carrier-id": "se-1234567"

DHL Parcel UK Service Details

DHL Parcel UK provides both domestic and international shipping services. Additionally, services with "PUDO" included in the service name support Pick-up/Drop-off. Please see our tutorial that explains how to find Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) locations to learn more about shipping with these services.

Domestic Services

ServiceCarrier CodeService API Codes
Bagit Next DayDHLParcelUK_Bagit_NDDHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND
Bagit Next Day 09:00DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_0900DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_0900
Bagit Next Day 10:30DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1030DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1030
Bagit Next Day 10:30 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1030_LSdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_1030_leave_safe
Bagit Next Day 10:30 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1030_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_1030_neighbour
Bagit Next Day 12:00DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1200DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1200
Bagit Next Day 12:00 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1200_LSdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_1200_leave_safe
Bagit Next Day 12:00 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_1200_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_1200_neighbour
Bagit Next Day (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_LSdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_leave_safe
Bagit Next Day (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_next_day_neighbour
Bagit Next Day - ServicePoint DeliveryDHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_PUDODHLParcelUK_Bagit_ND_PUDO
Bagit SaturdayDHLParcelUK_Bagit_SATdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday
Bagit Saturday 09:00DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_0900dhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_0900
Bagit Saturday 10:30DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_1030dhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_1030
Bagit Saturday 10:30 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_1030_LSdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_1030_leave_safe
Bagit Saturday 10:30 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_1030_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_1030_neighbour
Bagit Saturday (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_LSdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_leave_safe
Bagit Saturday (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Bagit_SAT_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_saturday_neighbour
Pallet 48 HoursDHLParcelUK_Pallet_48HDHLParcelUK_Pallet_48H
Pallet Next DayDHLParcelUK_Pallet_NDDHLParcelUK_Pallet_ND
Parcel 48 Hours (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_Parcel_48HDHLParcelUK_Parcel_48H_NBR
Parcel 48 Hours - ServicePoint DeliveryDHLParcelUK_Parcel_48H_PUDODHLParcelUK_Parcel_48H_PUDO
Parcel 72 Hours (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_Parcel_72HDHLParcelUK_Parcel_72H_LS
Parcel 72 Hours - ServicePoint DeliveryDHLParcelUK_Parcel_72H_PUDODHLParcelUK_Parcel_72H_PUDO
Parcel Next DayDHLParcelUK_NDDHLParcelUK_ND
Parcel Next Day 09:00DHLParcelUK_ND_0900DHLParcelUK_ND_0900
Parcel Next Day 10:30DHLParcelUK_ND_1030DHLParcelUK_ND_1030
Parcel Next Day 10:30 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_ND_1030_LSdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_1030_leave_safe
Parcel Next Day 10:30 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_ND_1030_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_1030_neighbour
Parcel Next Day 12:00DHLParcelUK_ND_1200DHLParcelUK_ND_1200
Parcel Next Day 12:00 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_ND_1200_LSdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_1200_leave_safe
Parcel Next Day 12:00 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_ND_1200_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_1200_neighbour
Parcel Next Day (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_ND_LSdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_leave_safe
Parcel Next Day (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_ND_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_next_day_neighbour
Parcel Next Day - ServicePoint DeliveryDHLParcelUK_ND_PUDODHLParcelUK_ND_PUDO
Parcel SaturdayDHLParcelUK_SATdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday
Parcel Saturday 09:00DHLParcelUK_SAT_0900dhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_0900
Parcel Saturday 10:30DHLParcelUK_SAT_1030dhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_1030
Parcel Saturday 10:30 (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_SAT_1030_LSdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_1030_leave_safe
Parcel Saturday 10:30 (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_SAT_1030_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_1030_neighbour
Parcel Saturday (Specified Address / Leave Safe)DHLParcelUK_SAT_LSdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_leave_safe
Parcel Saturday (Specified Address / Neighbour)DHLParcelUK_SAT_NBRdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_saturday_neighbour


International Services

ServiceCarrier CodeService API Codes
DHL Parcel ConnectDHLParcelUK_206DHLParcelUK_Conect
International Road EconomyDHLParcelUK_204DHLParcelUK_Intl_Rd_Eco
Parcel 48 Hours (Specified Address / Neighbour) - Channel IslandsDHLParcelUK_Parcel_48H_CIdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_nd_48h_ci
Parcel 48 Hours - ServicePoint Delivery to Channel IslandsDHLParcelUK_Parcel_48H_PUDO_CIdhl_parcel_uk_bagit_nd_48h_pudo_ci
Worldwide AirWorldwide AirDHLParcelUK_WW_Air

Package Types

NameCarrier CodeAPI CodePackage Attributes
PackagePackagedhl_parcel_uk_packageDomestic, International

Return Services

DHL Parcel UK supports the following return services:

ServiceMax. weight (UNIT)Service API Codes
Parcel Shop Returns / Unlinked Returns25kgdhl_parcel_uk_parcel_shop_returns_unlinked_returns

Review the Return Shipping Labels page for details on creating return labels with ShipEngine.

Adding Shipment Insurance

DHL Parcel UK supports adding insurance to your shipments. Review the Parcel Insurance page for details on adding shipment insurance with ShipEngine.

Shipping to Northern Ireland

DHL Parcel UK will support all movement types defined by the Windsor Framework. The data required for these shipments will vary depending on the movement_indicator set for the shipment. If no movement indicator is set, the shipment will default to B2C.

Movement TypeRequired Data
C2CItem description, item value
C2BRecipient EORI and UKIMS numbers, item description, item value, item quantity, item HS Code
B2CSender EORI and UKIMS numbers, item description, item value, item quantity, item HS Code
B2BThe shipment must be marked "at risk" or "not at risk" of entering the EU
EORI and UKIMS numbers for both sender and recipient
Item description, value, quantity, HS code, weight, and country of origin
If the item is identified as "at risk" the following additional information will be required: Deferment Account (set in the carrier settings), reasons for export, and duties paid.

Starting 31st March 2025, if the required details are not provided for shipments from Great Britain to Northern Ireland, the label will not be generated.

Additional Carrier Details

  • Multi-package shipping is only available for domestic parcel, pallet, and Channel Islands services, as well as Worldwide Air and International Road Economy services.
  • Label messages are supported for international DHL Parcel UK services only.
  • DHL Parcel UK supports the what3words protocol. Use the geolocation property in the ship_to object to include the what3words type and associated value.