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Webhooks Schema

The following webhook events are available through ShipEngine.

  • Tracking
  • Batch Completed
  • Rate Updated
  • Carrier Connected
  • Report Complete
  • Order Source Refresh Complete
  • Sales Order Imported (Beta)

Each webhook event returns a unique payload. Click through the links below to see the full webhooks schema for each event.


Subscribe to this webhook to get updates on any tracking event.

Click to view the Tracking Webhook schema

The body of the tracking webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_TRACK
dataObjectObject containing tracking information.
label_urlstring, optionalPopulated if tracking event is associated with a label created in ShipEngine. This is the label image associated with this tracking number.
tracking_numberstring, requiredTracking number provided by the carrier.
status_codestring, requiredMust contain one of the following values:
UN: Unknown
AC: Accepted
IT: In Transit
DE: Delivered
EX: Exception
AT: Delivery Attempt
NY: Not Yet in System
carrier_detail_codestring, optionalAdditional tracking details provided by the carrier.
status_descriptionstring, optionalStatus description of the tracked package.
Could include the following: Unknown, Accepted, In Transit, Delivered, Exception, Delivery Attempt, Not Yet in System
carrier_status_codestring, requiredStatus of tracked package provided by the carrier.
carrier_status_descriptionstring, optionalMore detailed description of tracked package returned from the carrier.
ship_datestring, optionalAn ISO 8601 string that represents date and time the tracked package was sent, returned from the carrier.
estimated_delivery_datestring, optionalAn ISO 8601 string that represents the estimated date of delivery, returned by carrier.
actual_delivery_datestring, optionalAn ISO 8601 string that represents the date of delivery, returned by carrier.
exception_descriptionstring, optionalAdditional description provided by the carrier when a package is in a state that may delay or prevent delivery.
eventsarray, requiredThe events that have occurred during the lifetime of this tracking number.
occurred_atstring, requiredTimestamp for the carrier event.
carrier_occurred_atstring, optionalCarrier timestamp for the event, it is assumed to be the local time of where the event occurred. Not fully supported for all carriers.
descriptionstring, optionalA description of the event, for example: Shipment Received, Package Acceptance Pending
city_localitystring, optionalCity where shipment is being sent.
state_provincestring, optionalState where shipment is being sent.
postal_codestring, optionalPostal code where the shipment is being sent.
country_codestring, optionalA two-letter, ISO 3166-1 country code.
company_namestring, optionalReturns the value entered into the Company Name field.
signerstring, optionalInformation of the signer of shipment.
event_codestring, optionalTracking event code provided by the carrier.
event_descriptionstring, optionalThis is the carrier provided description. The carrier_status_description at the top level turns into this field when it is applied to an event.
carrier_detail_codestring, optionalAdditional tracking code that may be provided by the carrier.
status_codestring, optionalThis is the normalized event code provided by ShipEngine.
latitudenumber, optionalLatitude coordinate of tracking event.
longitudenumber, optionalLongitude coordinate of tracking event.

Batch Completed

Subscribe to this webhook to get updates for completed batches.

Click to view the Batch Completed webhook schema

The body of the Batch Completed webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_BATCH

Shipment Rate Updated

Subscribe to this webhook to get updates when a shipment rate has been updated.

Click to view the Shipment Rate Updated webhook schema

The body of the Shipment Rate webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_RATE

Carrier Connected

Subscribe to this webhook to get updates when a carrier is connected.

Click to view the Carrier Connected webhook schema

The body of the Carrier Connected webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_CARRIER_CONNECTED

Report Complete

Subscribe to this webhook to get updates when a requested report is ready.

Click to view the Report Complete webhook schema

The body of the Report Complete webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_REPORT_COMPLETE

Order Source Refresh Complete

Subscribe to this webhook to get updates when an order source has been refreshed.

Click to view the Order Source Refresh Complete webhook schema

The body of the Order Source Refresh Complete webhook request has the following attributes:

NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_ORDER_SOURCE_REFRESH_COMPLETE

Sales Order Imported (Beta)

Subscribe to this webhook to get updated information for imported sales order.

Click to view the Sales Order Imported (Beta) webhook schema
NameData TypeDescription
resource_urlstring, requiredThe REST API URL used to retrieve the event object.
resource_typestring, requiredAPI_SALES_ORDERS_IMPORTED
dataarrayThe array containing the event data
sales_order_idstring, requiredThe ID of the sales order
external_order_idstring, optionalThe external ID of the order
external_order_numberstring, optionalThe external order number
order_sourceobjectObject containing information about the order source
order_source_idstring, requiredThe ID of the order source
order_source_nicknamestring, requiredThe nickname of the order source
order_source_codestring, requiredThe code of the order source
order_source_friendly_namestring, requiredThe friendly name of the order source
refresh_infoobjectObject containing information about the refresh status of the order source
statusenum, requiredThe status of the refresh
last_refresh_attemptstring, requiredThe date and time of the last refresh attempt
refresh_datestring, requiredThe date and time of the last successful refresh
activeboolean, requiredIndicates if the order source is active
connection_idstring, optionalIdentifier for the store connection authorization
sales_order_statusobjectObject containing the payment and fulfillment status of the sales order
payment_statusenum, requiredThe payment status of the sales order
fulfillment_statusenum, requiredThe fulfillment status of the sales order
is_cancelledboolean, requiredIndicates if the sales order is cancelled
order_datestring, requiredThe date and time of the order
created_atstring, requiredThe date and time when the order was created
modified_atstring, requiredThe date and time when the order was last modified
payment_detailsobjectObject containing the payment details for the sales order
subtotalobjectObject containing information about the subtotal amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the subtotal amount
amountfloat, _optionalThe subtotal amount
estimated_shippingobjectObject containing information about the estimated shipping amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the estimated shipping amount
amountfloat, optionalThe estimated shipping amount
estimated_taxobjectObject containing information about the estimated tax amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the estimated tax amount
amountfloat, optionalThe estimated tax amount
grand_totalobjectObject containing information about the grand total amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the grand total amount
amountfloat, optionalThe grand total amount
customerobjectObject containing customer information
namestring, optionalThe name of the customer
phonestring, optionalThe phone number of the customer
emailstring, optionalThe email address of the customer
bill_toobjectObject containing billing information
emailstring, optionalThe email address for billing
addressobjectObject containing address details for billing
namestring, optionalThe name associated with the billing address
phonestring, optionalThe phone number associated with the billing address
company_namestring, optionalThe company name associated with the billing address
address_line1string, optionalThe first line of the billing address
address_line2string, optionalThe second line of the billing address
address_line3string, optionalThe third line of the billing address
city_localitystring, optionalThe city or locality of the billing address
state_provincestring, optionalThe state or province of the billing address
postal_codestring, optionalThe postal code of the billing address
country_codestring, optionalThe country code of the billing address
address_residential_indicatorstring, optionalIndicates if the billing address is residential. Will be Yes or No.
ship_toobjectObject containing shipping information
namestring, optionalThe name of the recipient
phonestring, optionalThe phone number of the recipient
address_line1string, optionalThe first line of the shipping address
city_localitystring, optionalThe city or locality of the shipping address
state_provincestring, optionalThe state or province of the shipping address
postal_codestring, optionalThe postal code of the shipping address
country_codestring, optionalThe country code of the shipping address
address_residential_indicatorstring, optionalIndicates if the shipping address is residential. Will be Yes or No.
sales_order_itemsarrayAn array containing the sales order items
sales_order_item_idstring, optionalThe ID of the sales order item
external_order_item_idstring, optionalMarketplace's identifier for the order item
line_item_detailsobjectObject containing details about the line item
namestring, optionalThe name of the line item
skustring, optionalThe SKU of the line item
asinstring, optionalAmazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) provided by order source
weightobjectObject containing information about the weight of the line item
valuefloat, optionalThe weight value
unitenum, optionalThe unit of weight
ship_toobjectObject containing shipping information for the line item
namestring, optionalThe name of the recipient
phonestring, optionalThe phone number of the recipient
address_line1string, optionalThe first line of the shipping address
city_localitystring, optionalThe city or locality of the shipping address
state_provincestring, optionalThe state or province of the shipping address
postal_codestring, optionalThe postal code of the shipping address
country_codestring, optionalThe country code of the shipping address
address_residential_indicatorenum, optionalIndicates if the shipping address is residential. Will be Yes or No.
requested_shipping_optionsobjectObject containing requested shipping options for the line item
shipping_servicestring, optionalThe requested shipping service
ship_datestring, optionalThe requested ship date
price_summaryobjectObject containing price summary information for the line item
unit_priceobjectObject containing information about the unit price
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the unit price
amountfloat, optionalThe unit price
estimated_taxobjectObject containing information about the estimated tax amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the estimated tax amount
amountfloat, optionalThe estimated tax amount
estimated_shippingstring, optionalThe estimated shipping amount
totalobjectObject containing information about the total amount
currencyenum, optionalThe currency of the total amount
amountfloat, optionalThe total amount
quantityint, optionalThe quantity of the line item
is_giftboolean, optionalIndicates if the line item is a gift