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Dangerous Goods

ShipEngine supports many properties required by various carriers to indicate you are shipping dangerous goods and remain in compliance with the carrier's dangerous goods shipping requirements.

Which dangerous goods objects and properties you use and how you use them will depend on the carrier and service you are using for your shipments. In general, we advise that your integration allows entry of any field we have defined, since requirements and support will vary from carrier to carrier. By sending full information, you ensure that your integration can support shiping dangerous goods with any carrier that supports it with ShipEngine.

Dangerous Goods Properties

ShipEngine currently offers two levels of dangerous goods-related properties when creating shipments or purchasing a label:

  • Dangerous Goods Advanced Option: Using the dangerous_goods advanced option, you can mark a shipment as containing one or more items designated as a dangerous good.
  • Dangerous Goods Object: The dangerous_goods object holds multiple DG-related properties in the packages.products aray so you can indicate specific dangerous goods attributes at the product level, as required by the carrier.

Whether you use one or both of these options will be determined by the carrier you use for your shipment. For example, USPS shipments use only the dangerous_goods property in the advanced_options object, and do not support the product-level properties.

Dangerous Goods Advanced Option

The dangerous_goods advanced option is used to indicate a shipment includes an item that is considered a dangerous good by the carrier and is included in the shipment.advanced_option object. While shipping dangerous goods with certain carriers may only require this identifier, other carriers will require additional product-level dangerous goods properties (review the Dangerous Goods Object details below).

This table lists the dangerous goods advanced options available in ShipEngine. Whether these properties are required or not is determined by the carrier and service you are using for the shipment.

dangerous_goodsbooleanIndicates to the carrier that the shipment contains one or more items that are classified as dangerous goods.
dangerous_goods_contactobjectThe contact details for the shipment recipient responsible for accepting the DG shipment. Includes name and phone properties.
dangerous_goods_contact.namestringThe name of the shipment recipient.
dangerous_goods_contact.phonestringThe contact phone number for the shipment recipient.

List carrier options to see if your carrier supports the dangerous goods advanced options.

Dangerous Goods Object

The dangerous_goods object and its related properties live in the packages.products array. These properties provide the dangerous goods details at the product level for any individual item included in a shipment.

No individual dangerous goods property is required or validated by ShipEngine directly. Whether a property is required or not is determined by the carrier and service you are using for the shipment. We are currently working to provide carrier-specific dangerous goods shipping guidance in our carrier guides. Check back soon for new and updated carrier guides with dangerous goods shipping details!

This table lists all properties available for the dangerous_goods object at the product level in ShipEngine.

id_numberstringStandard 4-digit ID to identify the dangerous goods.UN1950
shipping_namestringTrade description of the dangerous goods.Lithium metal batteries
technical_namestringRecognized technical or chemical name of the dangerous goods.Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, desensitized
product_classstringDefined DG product class based on regulation. "Substances (including mixtures and solutions) and articles are assigned to one of nine classes according to either the hazard, or the most prominent of the hazards, they present. Some of these classes are subdivided into divisions."4.1
product_class_subsidiarystringA secondary product class for substances presenting more than one particular hazard2.2
packaging_groupenummerated stringFrom the three packing groups that can be assigned to the substance, the one that indicates the degree of danger it presents. Values: i ii iiiii
dangerous_amountobjectThe amount of the Dangerous goods. Includes amount (number, >=0) and unit (string) proerties.0.2 kg
quantityintegerMathematical representation of the copies/pieces/volumes of the material being transported.1
packaging_instructionstringThe specific standardized packaging instructions from the relevant regulatory agency that have been applied to the parcel/container.P905 (UN recommendation used by ADR)
967 (IATA regulation)
packaging_instruction_sectionenummerated stringComplementary information to specify the exact 'Section of Packaging' instructions (a mandatory piece of data for processing lithium batteries shipments). Values: section_1 section_2 section_1 section_1bsection_1
packaging_typestringThe type of exterior package used to contain the regulated good.Fiberboard Box
1A1 (ADR)
transport_meanenummerated stringThe most critical leg of the journey required to deliver the goods. Values: ground water cargo_aircraft_only passenger_aircraftground
transport_categorystringCategory assigned to goods for the transport purpose.3
regulation_authoritystringRegulatory agency whose standards are being followed for the shipment. E.g., "ADR", "CFR", "IATA", "TDG".IATA
regulation_levelenummerated stringReference to the amount of the substance being transported, used to trigger different levels of controls/restrictions. Values: lightly_regulated fully_regulated limited_quantities excepted_quantityfully_regulated
radioactivebooleanIndicates the substance is radioactive.FALSE
reportable_quantitybooleanA flag to indicate whether or not the quantity of a hazardous substance from Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) is sufficient to trigger a report under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).TRUE
tunnel_codestringDefines which types of tunnels the shipment is allowed to go through.D
additional_descriptionstringA field to provide an additional description about the dangerous good. Use this property to give the provider additional context about the shipment.

Other Considerations when Shipping Dangerous Goods

In addition to adding the necessary properties to your create shipment or purchase label requests, be sure to also check with your carrier on any additional requirements you may be contractually obligated to when shipping dangerous goods with them.

Such additional considerations may include:

  • Packaging requirements: While ShipEngine can communicate the class of hazardous material to the carrier, there may be specific packaging requirements that the carrier specifies for particular shipments. We recommend that you double-check those details with your carrier.
  • Package labeling requirements: Some carriers may require special dangerous or hazardous goods stickers be present on the outside of any parcel that contains dangerous goods. Check with your carrier to confirm if this is the case and exactly what form such labeling will take.